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Forest Carbon Management in Central Appalachia

September 25-27, 2023
Morgantown, WV

Join 150-200 academics, extension agents, foresters, and other stakeholders for a multi-disciplinary and collaborative conference where we will discuss and synthesize the latest research, as well as current and emerging challenges, of the carbon market.

Registration is closed.

Registration closed September 14.

Continuing Forestry Education Credits Available

Day 1: 6 Cat 1 CFEs
Day 2: 5.5 Cat 1 CFEs
Day 3: 3.5 Cat 1 CFEs (field trip)

Featured Pages

About the Conference

Times, locations, registration information, and financial assistance opportunities.

Read More: About the Conference


Info for presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions.

Read More: Agenda

Visitor Info

Info for lodging, transportation, parking, restaurants, and entertainment.

Read More: Visitor Info

Submit an Abstract for Poster Presentation

We are no longer accepting poster abstract submissions. Submission deadline was September 1

Thank You To Our Sponsors

We are beyond grateful for the support of our sponsors. To demonstrate our appreciation for their contributions, we recognize them here.

Learn About Becoming a Sponsor


WVU Bridge Initiative 

WVU Davis College ANF 

Forest Carbon Works Logo 

MASBio Logo 

TNC logo - 2 

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation logo 

Living Carbon Logo 

Orbis logo